Shah’s Topsy 100 mile challenge
Shah Qureshi, a friend of Topsy’s newest Trustee is doing the 100 mile Ride London this year to raise funds for Topsy UK Topsy UK supports Topsy South Africa which operates in an impoverished and arid part of the province of Mpumalangha. Topsy SA's main focus is Early Childhood Development. Their ECD programme covers some 20 pre-schools which provide a stimulating and nurturing experience for almost 2000 children. Other programmes include a range of health, social and food security projects offered to more than 6000 people.
RideLondon-Essex 100 – described as the world’s greatest festival of cycling – returns on Sunday 29 May 2022. RideLondon-Essex 100 is a unique opportunity and challenge covering 100 miles on traffic-free roads through the heart of London and neighbouring Essex. Please support Shah in this daunting challenge for Topsy
